Breathing is moving, speaking, thinking.

Breathing is living

Is CLEAN AIR Italia S.r.l. is an innovative advanced technology company that has been involved in the development, industrialization and marketing of APA (Air Pollution Abatement) technology and related services es CLEAN AIR solutions on a global scale since 2015.

Our solutions

At this age of massive social and environmental transformation, economic and industrial transition, the complexity creates new needs and requires new services, new accessibility and working models. Individuals and Corporates must rethink themselves and redesign new partnerships for a sustainable and performing, better future together.
APA – Air Pollution Abatement is a disruptive technology, the unique filterless, modular and flexible, intelligent platform to control and abate ambient air pollution, integrated with IoT, energy efficiency solutions and multiservices, for indoor and outdoor.

Years of research

R&D Lines

International patents


EU CHAMPION – Horizon 2020

“Filter-less water based air pollution abatement systems for healthier and safer places to live and work and more sustainable environments”

PURE Project

air Purification Units for manufactuRing Environments

The numbers of pollution

Every year in the world:

The industrial development and increasing energy requirement, the rising urbanization and mobility lead to greater air pollution with significant impact on environment and human health, in developed and developing countries alike.

8 Million

deaths each year due to air pollution


of the world’s population breathes polluted air

$ 1.6 Trillion

of economic loss due to mortality in Europe alone

source: World Health Organization

grants and loans

Finanziamento nel capitale di rischio ottenuto attraverso il Fondo POR I.3 Venture Capital della Regione Lazio

PURE project, co-funded by EIT Manufacturing, one of eight innovation communities within European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

APA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. GA806756

“Intervento finanziato con risorse FSC 2014-2020 – Patto per lo Sviluppo della Regione Lazio

NeZAPoB – NEARLY ZERO AIR POLLUTION BUILDING (Smart Efficient Industry – Fabbrica Intelligente)

ASSE Asse 1 Priorità di investimento 1.b Azione Azione 1.1.3 LDR


Find out how we fight pollution with our technological solutions.