Our company

anti-pollution technology

Is CLEAN AIR Italia S.r.l. is an innovative advanced technology company that has been involved in the development, industrialization and marketing of APA (Air Pollution Abatement) technology and related CLEAN AIR services and solutions on a global scale since 2015.


Clean Air is one of the most sensitive intangible asset, primary good for the human and environmental health, for the safety and long-term existence of the overall system.

It is a need, a right and a duty.

It is a social, ecologic and economic priority.

It is a single and collective, political responsibility.

We work for a safe, healthy, sustainable World. We raise awareness of the importance of “Clean Air” working and living places. We inspire our People, Private and Public stakeholders to take up environmental ownership by adopting virtuous behaviors to respect and protect our natural, social and cultural heritage, to free economic resources for the community and increase health, wealth and productivity. Today and Tomorrow.


ISCLEANAIR is strongly driven by research and development. We do believe, fund and spread APA technology as the breakthrough in the air quality we breathe and daily life we live, indoor and outdoor, in domestic, urban and industrial spaces, both public and private.

We encourage an intelligent use of 4.0 Revolution and foster an “Internet of Things” enhanced by People to make the difference in providing unique solutions of air purification at the service of the municipalities, companies and families.

We support your transformation process anticipating the coming changes and facing all the challenges to promote your interest.


The direct dialogue with the territory, the ongoing exchange of experience and expertise, the shared understanding are crucial to broaden the common vision and narrow the focus to remarkable joint projects for the City of Tomorrow.

ISCLEANAIR stands as point of reference for its forward culture of Clean Tech, innovation and renewal through concrete and tailor-made programs of action.

The innovation
of APA®

APA is the first filter-less solution for the air cleaning and environmental remediation at the surface level.

It is a patented, smart, modular and flexible multiservice platform integrated with monitoring features, IoT, based on energy efficiency and circular economy philosophy for a social, ecological and economic sustainability.


The success, the transversality and the solidity of our business are born from the synergy of diversified know-how and consolidated expertise, from the common vision, creativity and passion of two Friends from the beginning.
Giuseppe Spanto

Giuseppe Spanto

Founder - CEO

Economist with strong business and finance experience
Paolo Tripodi

Paolo Tripodi

Founder - CI&TO

Physicist with worldwide recognized R&D projects